This song is about what it would feel like to move through a stone door into another world. Amidst the darkness, fragments. A husk of Snake, dressed in white, splintered into hundreds of pieces. Rain is pouring down. Small blue snake-hands creep out from within. The snake-hands’ bodies stretch out seemingly infinitely, each one toward a fragment. One gently clasps a fragment. It transforms into a glassy shard emanating light. Other snake-hands follow. More fragments transform into shards; they all do. A thousand snake-hands reach out, hold onto the pieces, and then slowly reel them in. The shards come together, forming the Summoning Suit’s shape around the Snake husk. We see her eyes flitting beneath her eyelids. She becomes real. Is she dreaming? Her eyes open. They close. We hear the trickle of a stream, and we’re outside. Snake is lying on a creek bed. We look up at the blue sky.
I created this video almost entirely in Blender.